
冬奥大咖谈 | “雪飞天”是最具有可持续性意义的项目

CGTN CGTN 2022-02-28


Big Air Shougang, or the Flying Snow Ribbon, was the site of two gold medal finishes for Team China - Gu Ailing won the women's freestyle big air and Su Yiming clinched gold in the men's snowboard big air. At the same time, it has become one of the most iconic venues of the Beijing Winter Olympics. 

Big Air Shougang is located in the northern part of the Capital Iron and Steel industrial site, which was an abandoned steel mill in the western edge of the city. It is the first example in Olympic history of a venue that has incorporated the host city’s industrial legacy. The Shougang Industrial Park carries separate meanings for different generations in Beijing. Today, the memory of “fire” is making way for the innovation of “ice”. When renovating an old industrial structure, the new version of Shougang Industrial Park has four Olympic-standard ice rinks that can host ice hockey, short-track speed skating, figure skating and curling competitions. A huge crystal-shoe-like Big Air Shougang rises up from the lake, embedded against the Shougang cooling towers.

作为运动员腾空时的独特背景,首钢工业园区已停用的烟囱和冷却塔在赛事转播的画面中十分醒目,凝结着北京冬奥组委践行可持续发展的办奥理念。比利时建筑师戈建(Nicolas Godelet)曾参与“雪飞天”的设计工作,在近期在与《世界观察》主持人田薇的独家专访中,他表示为了冬奥运动员的惊鸿一跃,首钢滑雪大跳台的设计人员研究了20种不同的形状、坡度和角度。

As a unique backdrop for deft defying aerials, the decommissioned chimneys and cooling towers of the Shougang Industrial Park stood out in the broadcast of the event, reflecting the Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee's philosophy of sustainable development. Architect and Engineer Nicolas Godelet, also the Director of NG-Lab architecture office, told CGTN Host Tian Wei in an exclusive interview that they did study more than 20 kinds of jumps, slopes, and angles to create Big Air Shougang.


Big Air Shougang’s design has ribbon curves resembling the traditional “flying apsaras” of the ancient Buddhist murals in Dunhuang. The Belgian architect pointed out that the English term “big air” fits with the Chinese translation of “Flying sky”. This acknowledgement of the athletic skills and Chinese identity of the venue are an architectural achievement.


Green, sustainability, the history of the city, Chinese culture, and the emotions of generations in Beijing are all brought together and blended in this masterpiece. It is a gift for the next generation, and it will remain a top venue for snowboarding and freestyle skiing competitions, as well as a recreational center. Godelet also believes that Shougang Big Air is the most sustainable project in the Olympics. In this Shougang area, young people who practice big air and jumps, can access the site for 5 yuan. That's the best way to encourage youngsters to practice sports in Beijing.

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